Content refers to any combination of visual and audio media that is created to be consumed. Work done includes original music and sound design, plus verything video editing and creative direction. In this section, there are social media ads, content for websites and more. Software used includes Adobe Audition, iMovie, and Pro Tools.
Shapeshift is a consulting company that specializes in digital marketing solutions. The following is an ad for a digital engagement tool. In collaboration with Shapeshift, music was produced and implemented to reflect the tone of the ad.
Asayo is a holistic health and wellness lifestyle brand. The following is a Facebook ad for a nutritional supplement. I worked with editors to create original background music and dialogue editing. create the tone of the ad.
MTNBIKE World is a website that sells apparel and safety gear to bike riders. The following is an ad for a new collection. Original music was created and implemented to match the tone.
High impact windows
I composed music and repaired the audio for the voiceover in this ad. I also added sound effects.